Implementing the sudo access pattern for AWS IAM Users

Alex Smolen
5 min readFeb 5, 2018

When you create an AWS account from scratch, you also create an omnipotent “root” account. AWS recommends against using it for everyday tasks and encourages you to create an IAM user. By default, IAM users don’t have credentials or access; it’s up to you to configure them. The complexity of AWS IAM authentication and access control can make it tough to design a good usability and security tradeoff for the regular AWS “human” user.

One design patten to consider is sudo. Sudo is a Unix feature that lets users impersonate another user of the system, by default the superuser account, but if you consider the sudo pattern as “re-establish trust before I elevate privileges”, it’s commonly used outside of operating systems.

You will see a sudo-like pattern for accessing the Google Administrator Console:

Re-authentication for Google

And on Github when you edit security settings:

Github re-authentication dialog

What makes this design useful is that the friction of authentication ceremonies and permission negotiation are aligned with the risk of trust decisions. I think it’s also becoming more familiar to developers, and because familiarity is usability, it should be easier to…

